When is mothers day?

Mothers Day is a special day for mothers and children to celebrate their relationship. Its celebrated in the United States and Canada on the second Sunday of May.

The date of Mothers Day varies from country to country.

The date of Mothers Day varies from country to country.

In the United States and Canada, it is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, which is always two weeks after Easter Sunday (the first Sunday after the first full moon following March 21). However, in many other countries it is celebrated on different dates:

  • In Australia, Morocco and New Zealand its always on the first Sunday in September.
  • In Argentina, Colombia and Mexico its always on March 31st or April 1st; this tradition was inherited from Spain.
  • In China it falls on December 23rd each year. This date was chosen by Mao Zedong because he believed that mothers should be honored before Christmas holidays begin.

In the United States and Canada, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.

In the United States and Canada, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Mothers Day has been celebrated since at least the early 1900s as a way to honor mothers and motherhood. Today, it is marked throughout North America, Europe and parts of Asia by cards sent from children to their mothers or flowers given by husbands (or other family members) to their wives.

in 2019 Mothers Day will be on sunday may 12th

In 2019, Mothers Day will be celebrated on Sunday, May 12th. Its a day to recognize motherhood and honor the sacrifices mothers make in raising their children. The holiday is celebrated in the United States and Canada.

In the United States, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May each year. In Canada, its always celebrated on the second Sunday of May – regardless of whether or not that happens to fall between April 29th and November 2nd!

mother day is on the 12th of may this year

Mother’s Day is a day where you celebrate the person who gave birth to you. It is celebrated in the United States and Canada on the second Sunday of May.


Mothers Day is a great way to celebrate the special women in our lives. Its also a good time to reflect on how much they mean to us and how their love has helped shape who we are today.

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