How to Save Money with Public Transport: A Comprehensive Guide
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Public transport can be the cheapest way to get around, but it isn’t always easy to figure out. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about public transport in the UK and how to save money when taking it.

How to save money with public transport

  • Use public transport to get around.
  • If you’re in a city, check out the local transportation options. You might be able to save money by taking the subway instead of Lyft or Uber, or even walking!
  • If your city doesn’t have public transport, consider moving somewhere that does!

Find out what bus route you need.

Once you’ve decided on the best public transport route for your needs, it’s time to do some research. Before buying a ticket or boarding the bus, it’s important to ensure that:

  • The bus route is going where you want to go.
  • The timetable fits with your schedule; if not, change your plans accordingly!
  • There are enough stops along the way for easy transfers between modes of transportation (for example, trains and buses).

Research and compare various bus companies that operate in the area.

The first step to saving money on public transport is to research and compare various bus companies that operate in the area. There are many websites that can help you do this, including WhichBus, or Once you’ve found an option that works for you, it’s important to check reviews of each company before making a decision about which one will take you where you need to go at an affordable price. Look at how long they take on average per route (some routes may be faster than others) as well as what types of discounts they offer–especially student travel discounts!

Use your phone to find the best deals on ticket prices.

  • Use a travel app. You can use an app like CityMapper to find out how much a ticket will cost and when the next bus or train is scheduled to leave. This lets you plan ahead, so that if there’s no bus due in 20 minutes, you’ll know to wait for another one instead of wasting time running around trying to catch one on foot.
  • Use a website that compares prices for different routes and modes of transport (buses vs trains vs taxis). These sites usually have detailed information about each route’s cost and travel time so that users can make informed decisions when choosing between different modes of transport–but beware: some sites may show outdated information!

Save money by using cash and avoiding cashing in points from your loyalty scheme.

If you are taking public transport and paying for it with cash, that is the cheapest way to go. If you have a loyalty scheme, avoid cashing in points from your loyalty scheme for travel and pay with cash instead.

If you want to use a travel card, such as an Oyster Card or Myki Card (Australia), then do so because they are generally cheaper than buying single tickets on their own but make sure that before purchasing one that the price per journey will be cheaper than buying individual tickets would have been otherwise (you might be surprised by how much money can be saved). If not though then don’t buy one; there are other ways around paying more than necessary for journeys by public transport!

Find out how much luggage you can take with you.

Before you set out on your journey, it’s important to know what size luggage you can take with you. This will help prevent any surprises when it comes time to pay for your ticket or board the train or bus.

The size of luggage racks on public transport varies depending on the vehicle type (bus vs train) and company operating that particular service. Most buses have racks in which passengers’ backpacks can be placed during their ride, but if yours is larger than average then consider leaving it at home or taking another form of transportation instead. For example, if your backpack doesn’t fit into the bus’ rack and there isn’t room under seats either – try taking something smaller like a handbag instead! If all else fails then consider buying an extra seat ticket so that there’s enough room for all three pieces: yourself plus two suitcases/backpacks (one each).

Take advantage of student discounts and travel cards for people under 25, over 60 or with special needs.

If you’re a student, or under 25, over 60 or have special needs then there are various options available to you.

The first thing to do is check whether your local public transport provider offers student discounts. Some will give up to 50% off standard fares if you show them proof of enrollment when purchasing tickets at the station or online–this can make a huge difference in cost and also means that it’s worth investing in some sort of travel card if possible (see below). If there aren’t any such offers available where you live then consider commuting by train instead: even if it means travelling further away from home each day and spending more on accommodation than if you took the bus every day instead!

Consider commuting by train if it is available, particularly if your journey is longer than 30 minutes on the bus.

If you are going to be traveling by train, consider if it is the most cost-effective option. Train tickets can often be more expensive than other modes of transport and may not always be cheaper than driving. If your journey is over 30 minutes, then it might be worth considering taking the bus instead as this could end up saving you money.

If there are no trains available for your journey (or if they are too expensive), then consider taking a coach or minibus service instead. These tend to be less expensive than trains and buses respectively because they offer fewer stops along the way, meaning less time spent waiting at stations before reaching your destination

There are many ways you can save money when taking public transport

  • Look for deals online: There are lots of websites that offer deals and discounts on tickets, travel cards, travel insurance and fuel. You can even find some good deals in your local newspaper!
  • Look for student discounts: If you’re a student then check out your local university or college website; most universities offer discounted fares for students who live near campus. Also look at websites like Groupon and Living Social which often have offers from various bus companies offering reduced prices on tickets if bought in bulk quantities (ideal if there’s more than one person travelling).


With these tips and tricks, you can save money on your public transport. It might take a little bit of research at first, but once you get used to it, it’ll become second nature. The main thing is not overspending on tickets or making sure that you’re getting the most out of your loyalty scheme. If all else fails and you find yourself stuck in traffic or delayed by an accident, then at least count yourself lucky that there are alternatives available!

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