Comments and disagreements are welcome, but be sure to read the Comment Policy. If this is a genuine mistake, please accept my apologies.
- A commenter said that Tesla is owned by “a guy named Musk”. I don’t know who this person is or what he does for a living, but I found no evidence that Elon Musk sits on the board of Tesla, so I kept it in the post. **Guy Kawasaki said there are only two car companies left in the world: GM and Toyota.**This isn’t entirely true–there are many more than these two–but they do have huge market shares and very powerful lobbies. The same would be true of academics if they were in business instead of academia!
Thank you to all those who have sent links and references. You’re helping keep me honest.
Tesla is the biggest maker of electric cars in the world, but it doesn’t make many of them.
Tesla is the biggest maker of electric cars in the world, but it doesn’t make many of them. The company only sells about 100,000 vehicles per year and has only released one new model since 2013: The Model S sedan (pictured above).
Tesla is working on a new car that will be available in 2019 or 2020. It’s unclear exactly what this vehicle will be like or how much it will cost; however, it’s likely to be more expensive than current models because it may include autonomous driving capabilities and other advanced technologies that aren’t currently offered on existing automobiles.
Other electronic car manufacturers are working hard to develop better battery technology.
As you know, Tesla is the biggest maker of electric cars in the world. Other electronic car manufacturers are working hard to develop better battery technology. This is partly because they want to sell more cars and partly because they want people to think that electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly than gas-powered ones.
Many states offer tax credits for buying or installing an electric car, even if you don’t live in one of them!
Many states offer tax credits for buying or installing an electric car, even if you don’t live in one of them.
Many states offer tax credits for buying or installing an electric car, even if you don’t live in one of them. These tax credits usually take the form of a percentage reduction in your overall taxes, based on the cost of your vehicle and how many miles it gets per year. In some cases, they’re available only for buyers who live in those states (and don’t have to pay sales tax). The amount that can be saved depends on what kind of car you buy:
- Tax credits are offered by most states but vary widely; they range from 50% off all motor vehicles purchased through dealerships to $5/MWh when purchasing electricity generated by wind farms
Tesla has a network of charging stations all over the country.
Tesla has a network of charging stations all over the country.
The company has a network of charging stations in many states, as well as many countries and cities.
There are also some national charging networks that let you charge cars no matter how far away they live from you.
There are also some national charging networks that let you charge cars no matter how far away they live from you. The best example is Tesla’s Supercharger network, which covers most of the country.
Tesla has a network of charging stations all over the country, including major cities like Los Angeles and New York City. If you want to go off-roading with your electric car in one of these areas, it will be easier than ever before—but it will still be more expensive than gas-powered ones because electricity isn’t free!
Other electronic car manufacturers are working hard to develop better battery technology so that we can store more energy per charge when traveling long distances or through harsh weather conditions (like snowstorms). This means longer range between charges with less weight/space ratio required for storage capability. As well as making our lives easier by not having to worry about running out before reaching our destination(s), this type of innovation could reduce carbon emissions levels significantly over time…if enough people buy them!
You can drive your car within range of a standard charging station and get enough to go home.
You can drive your car within range of a standard charging station and get enough to go home.
- At home: You can charge your car at home if you have an electric outlet in the garage or driveway, or if you have a special charger that plugs into a regular power outlet in your living room. If not, there are plenty of public charging stations around town (you’ll find them under “Electric Vehicles” on Google Maps).
The future of automobiles depends on cars that run on electricity instead of gas.
The future of automobiles depends on cars that run on electricity instead of gas.
Electric cars are better for the environment, economy and consumer.
They reduce carbon emissions by up to 99 percent compared to internal combustion engines (ICEs) which emit greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). When you drive an electric vehicle, you’re helping protect our planet from climate change—and saving money at the same time!
Section: Many states offer tax credits for buying or installing an electric car, even if you don’t live in one of them.
Takeaway: The future of automobiles depends on cars that run on electricity instead of gas.